Well that wasn't that hard.

Alien Base-1
Dear Princess Celestia,

Why, why do the aliens keep targeting me with their psionics? I can barely remember today's mission since I spent most of it literally terrified out of my mind!

Regardless the mission went pretty smoothly. The humans were worried but it wasn't any harder then defeating that supply ship was. In a way it was easier since we were prepared for the possibility of being attacked mentally. Everypony slowly investigated and when we encountered a Sectoid we would bombard the enemy with firepower until they were destroyed.

The only difficulty was in destroying the Cyberdisc tanks that showed up. Our heavy weapon ponies (Pinkie Pie and Big Mac) were no where near by at the time. Shiny ended up trading shots through a narrow window against one tank while Rainbow Dash and Applejack got one in a crossfire with our tank. Due to the poor aim of our tank it survived and destroyed our tank. Rainbow Dash and Applejack shot it some more, and eventually Rainbow Dash finished it off with a grenade.

They then snuck up on the other tank. Applejack hit it with her own grenade but it survived. It must have been heavily damaged though since it tried to retreat. Applejack chased it down and finished it off with her rifle. Luckily she didn't get too close since it erupted in a massive explosion. From all the fire being returned from the tanks nearly an entire wall of the alien base had been torn apart.

Rainbow Dash rushed into the alien's headquarters and zapped one. She flew out before the survivor could react. It panicked and Rainbow Dash easily captured it as well. That pretty much wrapped up the mission. We gathered what alien technology we could and detonated the base. Sadly they had nothing of interest just for incomprehensible alien entertainment.

In research matters the humans are currently working on two projects. One is a mind shield to hopefully shut down the psionic attacks. One is a psi amp, which in conjunction with the currently under construction psi lab will allow us to use our own psionic attacks! Honestly I can't wait for the mind shields.

Oh right I almost forgot. Shiny and Cadance were both slightly wounded in the fight. Both wounds were incredibly minor and honestly they are both ready to get back into the fight. However the humans are insisting they rest for a couple of days. Doesn't really matter though. We won't be going on any missions for a little bit anyways.

For Faithful Student,

Twilight Sparkle