Quote Originally Posted by Anarion View Post

Apologies for stealing your schtick, but I finally buckled and bought X-Com today, and several hours later, here we are.

UFOs 1-3 and terror 1 (first and second attempts)
Dear Princess Celestia,

It's me, Colgate. This was supposed to be Lyra's team, but she and Bon-Bon were messing around drawing fire in the first mission and I ended up having to do all the sniping. And then I got promoted to sergeant just like that. So uh, I guess this is my team now. I was going to call it team brushy, but somepony said that was too boring, so I'm calling us team Clean Sweep instead. It's close enough. And we've gotten good at making sure we don't leave a single alien standing.

So, I guess I should introduce the team. We're basically all the backups. We've got Lyra and Bon-Bon on point, I'm doing command, Derpy's on heavy weapons (that filly loves her minigun, what can I say?), Vinyl Scratch and Octavia are frontline support, and Cloud Kicker and Dr. Whooves have been watching the ship and doing the medic thing when we need them.

The first couple missions were super dooper easy. There was only one sectoid the first time and I sniped it easy-peezy. This was a breeze compared to dental school.

Second and third missions were a bit tougher, but we really lucked out. The third UFO landed, and we captured the entire thing intact. We're almost done researching alien alloys and I can't wait to get some body armor. Bon-Bon and Lyra made a great team too. I'm pretty sure Bon-Bon has been keeping some secrets from us though. That filly is basically a ninja pony. It's pretty much the only way I can explain what happened when she was the first into that alien ship. Door opens, they rain fire on her, and not a single shot touches her. I guess you could blame it the aliens not being able to hit the broad side of a barn, but if you'd seen Bon-Bon flipping around like she was in the Matrix, you'd understand what I mean.

Our first terror mission...didn't go so well though. At first, it seemed like it would be okay. Our new tank rolled out first and out we went after it. But no sooner had we disembarked the ship than a massive bomb went off. I...was the only survivor. I panicked, I'm sorry, I just, I didn't know what to do. Once every round in my gun was gone, I regained my senses and ran back into the ship and took off.

Lucky for us, I didn't get this hourglass cutie mark for nothing. A little time travel later, and it's like the whole thing never happened. And the second time was way easier. Instead of exploding us when we came out of the ship, a bunch of the floaty alien guys were just hanging out in the open. Let me tell you, watching that first cannon shell collapse one of those toad-things was beautiful. And you won't believe this, but I guess Lyra has been working on her aim ever since I got promoted ahead of her. We didn't bring any capture equipment, but Lyra's shot on the leader was non-fatal! Our very first terror mission and we brought back a live floater leader. I'm so happy.

Your faithful dentist,

P.S. This letter is also your notice of conscription, princess. We're opening a second base in Istanbul and you and princess Luna are going to be running it. Surprise!
Awesome! Hope you're having a lot of fun with it! What have you been researching right off the bat? (I take it you built a alien containment facility right away if you got a prisoner.)

Quote Originally Posted by thubby View Post
season 3
so i was rewatching this and

made me think.

are the changelings crystal ponies? it's the only thing we know cadence has done so far, and chrysalis knew about the crystal caves beneath the castle.

unrelated note, i have NO idea what color thubby would be. @,@
Be careful of spoilers thubby. This example is super minor but I am trying to get to season 3 without seeing a single spoiler beforehoof.