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    Troll in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Default Re: the Ultimate Conflict (We're On A Boat) IC

    As Raz swoops down in front of the lady of pain, he can see Voren only 200 feet away by the entrance to the port. Behind the lady of pain, meanwhile, stands both Masanari and his Cohort, Kagetsune. At least one other man from the city has found the courage to join in as well, standing on a nearby rooftop.

    In response to your question, the Lady of Pain actually halts where she is for a moment. Turning in your direction, the Lady looks directly at Raz.

    The force of her gaze was utterly unlike anything you could have expected, feeling as though she is literally drilling holes in your eyes. You can feel her gaze pass though and feel vitrious fluid leak from the wounds, can feel your skull crack and your brain slowly bleed and the knives of her gaze spreads to your mind as well. You can feel the gaze exit through the back of your skull, spraying blood across the cobblestone. Why was nobody helping you? Was anyone else even out there? Were they feeling this, too? As the knifes in your mind leak out with the blood, leaving you light-headed and weak, you can feel that something has been physically carved into your brain, a single short word torn into your cortex as with a serrated knife.


    That was the message that you were about to die for, the pointless four-letter epithet for your tombstone. Hell, that didn't even answer your question, though the rest of this process likely did the job for you. On the bright side, you've never heard of the Lady ever speaking with anyone. As far as endings go, that had to count for something, right? On that topic, why weren't you dead yet? Had you even fallen from your feet?

    Almost at once, The Lady of Pain breaks her eye contact to look forwards once again. No longer can you feel the stabbing force of her gaze or, indeed, find any evidence that you were stabbed at all beyond the lingering sensation of exhaustion. Your eyes can see just fine and there's no sign of spilled blood anywhere around you.

    OOC: You gain one negative level, ignoring your normal immunity. It will only last the next 24 hours and shouldn't prove to be too much of a hindrance in what is yet to come. Sorry if the above seems a bit mean-spirited.

    Finally looking away from Raz, the Lady resumes her short walk towards the port, stopping after 50 feet as if waiting for someone to follow. If Voren wishes to talk to the Lady of Pain next, she could probably hear him if he shouts.
    Last edited by Realms of Chaos; 2012-08-29 at 06:39 PM.
    I'm try not to be too vain but this was too perfect not to sig.
    Quote Originally Posted by Primal Fury View Post
    okay RoC, that is enough! the gitp boards can only take so much awsome, you might actually hurt somebody with this one!
    At long last, I have an extended signature