Purity, Zaros is waiting on Jewel's answer regarding Taylor and Daniel before Stellar takes Arvadraa/Horne to see Blades.

And that's how to use way too many names in a sentence.

Also, as a follow-up to this (be warned, this is somewhat wordy):

Taylor is essentially the ponified version of my original original character. This was way back before my experiences with FiM (or anything, really), but I already had an interest in world-building and writing, so I tried my hand at a personal self-insert thingamabob and this is where it went.

Taylor's personality is basically what happens to mine if you heap on confidence, superpowers, and +5 Oil of Charm (results may vary). Originally he was going to be a generic monster-of-the-week-slayer guy, but to my surprise his personality evolved significantly over time. Of course, I had to devise actual plot points and a purpose, but no one gets boosts by just standing around.

He had the occasional friend and constant powerful mentor figure to bounce off of, but I got bored quickly with not having a large inner circle with which to further develop him, so I took a gamble that could either turn him into something totally different or give him better characterization; I gave him a team. In actuality, both happened, but not in the ways I expected. In hindsight, the way I went about it had a lot to do with it. Having a sidekick (who has repeatedly taken her red shirt and shoved it down some evil's throat) even more snarky than he was gave me opportunities to both hone my wit (I can't even begin to tell you how many conversations ended up as jibefests) and give him something to works towards. With a companion and the start of something greater, I felt like I could deliberately mold him past the generic and into the unique.

Even at the beginning I had a vague idea of his mission; ridiculously complex explanations aside, he was basically Dr. Who, sans-TARDIS, who goes across space rather than time. As his team got bigger though, I felt more comfortable giving him greater threats (with the everlooming plans of his main nemesis, who just would not die). This was both a blessing and a curse, because I'm an inexplicable fan of 'kill 'em all' when numbers run too high, and Big Bads gave me those opportunities. He's been actually killed more than once, and if I hadn't made that call to give him a team, well...there'd be a lot more dues ex machina's around.

His actual personality is sketchy on the law/chaos axis. He's very VERY firmly on the 'good' end of the scale, but he swaps alarmingly often between 'these are the rules, we have to obey them...but so do they' and 'the rules can take a hike, my moral code overrules'. On an average day, I'd set him at Neutral Good, for lack of a better description. Unless he's angry/you've just killed one of his loved ones. Then he slides straight into Chaotic Evil and keeps running. He's got a history of doing absolutely horrible things to his enemies, though he keeps that sort of stuff reserved for those who go after him deliberately and through others. And of those, only those who really really deserve 'And I Must Scream' actually get it.

His team has gone through a mind-numbing amount of people and incarnations over the years, and all of my current characters (besides Arvadraa and Horne) have belonged to it at some point. Their timespans, origins and such will be described on their respective pages if I ever get there. Though I will note that the current assemblage has never been together at this time (yes, they've been to Equestria before) or as these exact people.

Anyways, thanks for reading my long-winded reminisce on the history of Mr. Sunshine.