Quote Originally Posted by DoomITP View Post
A plot clone of Zero can be found wandering around the campsite looking for Sophie.
Sophie can be seen emerging from Maple Cabin.

Quote Originally Posted by Rebonack View Post
[On a Rock by the Lake]

"Ah... I would hope so," the demon fox sighs. "But you see, I'm not quite how they remember me anymore. Curses are nasty like that..."

Ugly filthy curses.

And then!

A question!

The demon fox quirks his head off to the side a bit before giving that foxy grin of his once again. "Well m'lady, I must say that it would be an honor to give you a ride."

And with that he deftly hops off his rock, landing in front of the goblin girl and kneeling for her. The branches on his back twist and bend and part, forming a nice little saddle of sorts for Brinika.
"Yaaaaay!" Brinika is a positively giddy goblin now. She climbs onto Freddie's back quickly. "No goblin has ever ridden a fox before!"