Quote Originally Posted by Avilan the Grey View Post
I must admit I am one of the very very few geeks of my generation that did not play UFO: Enemy Unknown when it came out (I did play Laser Squad, though), so I am on the fence about this one. I am very interested, but not all that excited (yet).
I think we'd only just got a PC about the time it came out (maybe slightly later - post '96 was when we moved from Atari ST to PC), so I don't think even if I'd heard of it, I'd have been able to find a copy. (We didn't even get internet until about 98/99ish.) I think my mate wh had a PC for a year or two prior to us might have played Terror from the Deep; but at the time, I wasn't really a computer gamer, aside from the novelty.

(It was only the combined efforts of US Navy Fighters, SimCity2000 (?), Civ II and later Baldur's Gate, TIE Fighter and C&C that got me there... and our first PC was sufficiently low-spec that I couldn't run C&C until about the second or third upgrade, and I started playing Civ II in only sixteen colours! (Being able to actually see the hills as hills eventually came as something of a culture shock!)