Quote Originally Posted by 1337 b4k4 View Post
Honestly, I think if they want to keep +x magic items, they should go back to +x vs y magic items. They can keep the generic +1 items if they want, but anything better than that should be vs some creature, attack or other thing, and it should be very specific. +3 vs goblins, +2 against fire so on and so forth. Sure on the one hand, this is adding more book keeping that players have to do, but I think the little book keeping it adds is a valid trade off to reducing stat inflation while still making basic magical items easy to create without also making them "Wonderous" items. And it's not like it's withou precedent. Plenty of mythological items were useful against just one or two foes. Even in LOTR, look at Sting, a magical sword that was only useful around Orcs, and was otherwise just a pretty sword.
So basically you'd want something like all magic weapons are +1 to hit and damage by default, but some of them are are also +X to hit and damage vs Y? That seems petty reasonable.