Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post
It's the phone I swear!

I mean, good! I'm glad. Ehheh heh...

Early vote for next thread subtitle: Cheers!
I second the motion~ X3

Besides, for you have a hive mind? That would be the next next step, wouldn't it? And I meant 'biped' more in the 'used to have all limbs on the ground, now has capacity to hug' sense.
*Wonders if a humanoid with tentacle limbs would be plausible... It seems like that wouldn't be any more demanding than the human setup, if somewhat unable to use human tools.*

Myself, I'm wondering why a superhighway from America to Britain exists only in my dreams...

Maybe it's a logistics thing? It would be *really* expensive to put all that highway out there, the fuel to move any goods that way would probably cost more and take more time than planes or boats, there wouldn't be many tourists because no-one wants to drive for that long... Then there's the gas stations/rest stops, getting power to the streetlights and guide lights, all the Atlantic storms and occasional drifter icebergs... The sheer planning and maintenance demands would be immense for very little return. @.@

[/gratuitousoverthinking] :3

And slumber parties are the best!
This is a good point - Kender, there's a way that the threadpub could be even better~

Quote Originally Posted by Coidzor View Post
Well, you know, if all you ever do is give somebody the cold shoulder, they're not gonna respect you, after all.
