Quote Originally Posted by Arachu View Post
Dolphins have names, octopi have impeccable recall and most dogs have pretty good social skills and empathy with humans,but we don't acknowledge anything that can't hold a conversation with us as intelligent... It's really chauvinistic, actually.

Not to rain on your parade, but Dolphin vocabulary according to the article is 200 words. That's a two-year old. Don't expect to talk philosophy with it anytime soon.

I also couldn't get information on whether dolphins combine their noises in a systematic way. Because language isn't just words, it's grammar - combining words to form sentences, sentences to form stories and conversations, etc.

And the octopus... did you look at the timeframe? Long-term recall was 24-hours later. I would hope that if I learned to distinguish a red ball from a white I would be able to do it the next day.

They're intelligent, very intelligent, but the gap between them and humans is still enormous.