OOC: You guys do realize Canonically you should have 5 = right? cause we have 10 players (well, 9 but Im counting (Redacted) and to even the numbers).
Like the Humans had 2 = cause they had 4 players and the trolls had 6 = for 12 players

mazterZorceror is trolling imperialCommand
mZ: i Am trying to CLOUD, I get zat you have a high opinion of yourzelf but everyone has zeir typing quirkz and telling zem to ztop is highly rude in and of itzelf
mZ: iF i do not overzee ze FLARPerz zen somezing terrible may happen, neizer could win or perhapz I would neglect to trigger ze Countdown of Duelling and zey won't fight each ozer.
mZ: zO what iz ziz GRAVELY IMPORTANT matter?