Quote Originally Posted by GolemsVoice View Post
And there was a great putting on of sunglasses. I wonder how many sexual puns Bond could make to his girl of the week? Likely named Debora Honeypotts or something like that.

M.A.P.L.E. Middle-and-North-American People's League of Evil. A communist cell implanted in the US and Canada during the height of the Cold War, with the intent of holding the capitalist, decadent west hostage by taking away it's access to sweet syrup, and thus to pancakes, and demanding a ransom, or else the degenerate capitalist consumers will lose trust in it's government and revolt. Because what's more American than pancakes for breakfast? And what's more Canadian than Maple Syrup? Nothing, that's what. They could just as well have stolen the Statue of Liberty and whatever Canada is famous for!

But seriously, SamBurke asked a pretty good question, how did it work? Inquiring minds got to know!
Deborah Honeypotts : "Oh James, what are you doing?"
James Bond "My dear Miss Honeypotts, I seem to have developed a sweet tooth." /goes back under the covers.