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Thread: Nestwarped (IC)

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    Orc in the Playground
    Zealumieo's Avatar

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    Dec 2010

    Default Re: Nestwarped (IC)

    So this situation was becoming all kinds of uncomfortable. It had been awhale, something you'd avoided since one other troll was crushed under your own faulty architecture.


    You don't think he was lying, even as a figment of her imagination- everything generally enjoyed living. Maybe this was a lesson for yourself, reminding you that killing was easy... especially if it was far away... but it kind of breaks the superior seawoman's vascular system when you're right there. Not that it'd stop you from personally killing something... just that it felt more real when you did it yourself- and the burden, you suppose, shouldn't be callously tossed aside.

    "I'm going to set you down in my room." Least you think its yours. Who sleeps in a room that she doesn't own? "Don't run off, I'm going to sea if I can go fish up your camera. Its your job? Right? I think your Polaroid might be broken, so I should make it up to you."

    Wasn't like you were going to kill him, he and his race got too much credit from all those badbassic buildings. And it didn't seem to be one of those dreams of Conquest- There would be an army of trolls/drones/warmachines following you if that was the case. Diplomatic? Oh, sadly, none of those practice sessions you had in front of a mirror ever turned out well.

    You keep your promise and set him down gingerly in your own room, "If you disappear, run off, or hide by the time I get back I'm going to be supremely cross. So don't." Giving him one last stern goggle glare you fly out and chase after what remains of the DARING INVESTIGATOR'S job materials.

    Edit: ((Derpdederpty durr... this is what happens to grammer when you slapdashedly rewrite from third person to first. AUGH THE GRAMMERS. Hopefully fixed))
    Last edited by Zealumieo; 2012-09-03 at 08:39 PM.
    Oh Man, Sucks To Be You.

    Oh Come On, You Aren't Even Trying
    I know you can do better then that.

    Hark, Thy Fate Sucketh?

    That is...
    Much Worse

    -The DM of The Rings