Quote Originally Posted by Lil Shiro View Post
So most of you already know this, being friends with me on Facebook and all, but a couple weeks ago my boyfriend broke up with me.

As for the QUILTBAG Kantian death squad here, I am thinking whether I am a bit paranoid about seeing homophobia where none exists. I was at a concert of a band recently, where there was a fellow with his arm around another guy that could be perfectly fine be read as them just being friends, but just could maybe also be interpreted differently (I know I did). The place was rather metal in nature but the band was one that had played when my mother was in university and is popular to this day so the audience was not so hardcore as would be usual there. Most of the people in the room where young though.

Anyway, so the fellow mentioned is rather energetic in front of the stage, when a rather strong looking man, clad in metal attire and wearing a kilt, grabs the back of his neck and I overhear him threatening him with rather serious violence if he doesn't stop (doing something?). The said fellow then leaves.

A friend who seemed to know the guy in a kilt talked to him and said some time later that the energetic fellow had been really drunk and that had been what had caused the problem. Nevertheless, I was feeling rather uncomfortable the whole evening. Think that I might be slightly too paranoid about stuff like that.

TL,DR: A guy at a concert that could be read as both gay or not-gay was told to behave himself under the threat of violence, later it turned out that this had nothing to do with his possible orientation but with him being too drunk and too energetic. Me still felt uncomfortable. Too paranoid?