In the search for a challenge I tried to play an end to crafting and failed horribly. As far as I can tell that game mode requires you to first find a village with a blacksmith, otherwise, you can't get coal to make torches.

And since I've never found a village, ever, in any game, let alone one with a blacksmith, I gave it up.

So I've started something slightly easier. An end to mining. What that entails is no using tools to mine blocks. I will not make a tool, nor use a bed until I beat the enderdragon. All blocks I get must either be punched or exploded in order to mine. At least this way, with creeper mining, I was finally able to craft a furnace and get somewhere.

I can have a sword (wooden since cobble is hard to get), bow and arrow, flint and steel and a hoe. No picks, no axes, no shovels.