The Original Hank's Hookahs

Quote Originally Posted by McBish View Post
[The Orginal Hank's Hookahs]

"Yeah, I liked this Thoreau's writing, and he seemed to have a lot of ideas. Though I will admit some of it seemed a bit naive. Simply refusing to work in a system that you don't stand for seems a bit silly to me. But I guess if you have that option it makes sense.

I also really liked when he wrote about his time in prision. Though from what I got from reading it, he didn't seem to be in there for very long."

((By the way if you want to look at Civil Disobediance it is online Here for Free.))

"I don't think we can do entirely without a government, whatever Thoreau says. That would require human nature - or "person" nature, I guess it would be - to change completely."
Charity says.

((Thanks for the link. I'll try to catch up to my PC's knowledge. ))