Sorry for the double post...

Quote Originally Posted by Silverraptor View Post
At which point you FUS RO DAH them all through a wall.
Yeah, there really is a point where you have to wonder where the damn respect is. You're the guy who just killed the crap out of a literal army of dragons led by the immortal son of Akatosh, and some puny guard is demanding I pay a 40gp bounty because some idiot got in the way of my shout while I was saving them from a bear. I mean, at that point, going on a wild slaughter is really the only reasonable response.

Quote Originally Posted by Aniu View Post
While I've never quite reached that level of epicness... My favourite battle of all time also involved a bounty on a dragon, at Shearpoint I believe. I was playing as an archer rogue, and so was sneaking up the mountain. Keep in mind that this is fairly early game... I think I was still wearing leather armour and had an imperial bow equipped. Suddenly, dragon attack! I shrug, guessing that it spotted me through the sneak skill, and start fighting back... when the actual bounty dragon wakes up from the commotion and joins in the fray. Running to and fro, attempting to dodge attacks and fire off arrows, I eventually come near the wall and sarcophagus... which opens as a dragon priest wakes up too. Long story short, thanks to potions and terrain use I had the most fun combat that I had ever faced... I just pictured my char standing on the bodies of the slain heroically. Yeah, I'm the Dragonborn alright.
Yeah, the Dragon Bounty quests are much more dangerous than you think at higher levels. Since you're going to an area where you're guaranteed to bump into a dragon, and then you have to worry about anything else that could randomly spawn there with you. A bunch of hostile Thalmor, a Dark Brotherhood Assassin, some Hired Thugs, or in my case, not one but two randomly spawning dragons. It can be pretty nasty if the random event generator doesn't like you.