
Oh, Cedric and the ferrets aren't dangerous! They're Isabelle's dear little friends! That plant however is clearly nobody's friend, horribly dangerous, and should be avoided at all costs!

Putting things that simply is probably quite beneficial for Isabelle. Words such as "cerebro-spinal fluid, cerebellum", and the like are lost on her. Were Shayan to point out what each part is, she'd probably understand. She has cut up a lot of animals and poked at their parts, after all. But the words themselves? Meaningless to her.

"So I'm your lunch, so it won't touch me. Well that's nice to know." Isabelle has a rather bemused smile on her face. Perhaps because she suddenly feels rather vulnerable in this place, surrounded by unknown plants, only being left alone by that musk creeper because it sees her as Shayan's food. "So, how did you, um, trick the plant? Adjust it? Make it be helpful and not eat your brain?"