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    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Default Re: Doctor Who Thread III: Reverse the Polarity of the Neutron Flow

    Alright People I’m Back!

    I don’t have a completely negative view of Moffat, I just think he’s gotten a bit full of himself. I like most of his work. I also totally think he should have been show-runner after Davies (who I do think should have left when he did , you can tell in some of his later eps the sci-fi feels shoved in).

    I am an apologist for lots of the Davies era eps which people don’t like (Doctor’s Daughter)

    Given that the Doctor reset the universe in “Big Bang”, I think Skaro coming back is fair. Besides, who says that was the original Skaro? They could have captured a new one.

    Also, I’m betting JLC will be in ep5. Makes sense.

    I will use your meme

    I would very much like you to transfer your 10 ways JLC could come back post

    I would do classic who but no one asks me. Also, after you’ve done season 4 (which I’m looking forward too as it gives me an excuse to discuss Turn Left, plus, Agatha Christie Challenge), you may want to look at the two Animated Episodes, Dream Land (set in the 2009 Specials season) and Infinite Quest (set in the Martha era, one of the worst Dr Who eps ever).

    To all
    I rescind my offer of letting you vote for what I do. I’ve already decided, regardless of how well Moffat does (although the success of the eps will speed me up). I will do two stand-alone eps from New-Who. Both of which, Curly has seen, but she has not and will never review them (except maybe to offer a counter-opinion to me, because in the case of one of the episodes that will be utterly hilarious). I have picked the two eps as I have a point with them. No I will not tell you what they are, but I will deliver some hints.

    The first of these eps is seen as weak. Few forumites like it and many big personalities (although none of the Who staff) openly despise it. However, I think people miss the point of this. This is a heartfelt, personal, witty and funny episode which people need to actually think carefully before being judgemental.

    The second of these eps is also seen as weak. It is mediocre and average in a season divided by controversy. I wish to disprove this. It is a soul-less and hateful abomination which undermines the Doctor and makes the biggest crime on Doctor Who viewers- it insults their intelligence.

    EDIT: Both will be in Curly Style! Hence why it's so special.

    That’s all folks! Stay tuned for coming soon I will show you an utterly bizzare continuity error in Moffat's myth arc (which can probably be explained by "they forgot" but is still weird), tell you exactly why care should be taken to the Angels return and actually give a coherent sensible reason for why I dislike The Astronaut two-parter (which I seriously want Thufir to comment on, because he convinced me to like the Big Bang).
    Last edited by Sunken Valley; 2012-09-05 at 03:25 PM.