Quote Originally Posted by Mercenary Pen View Post
The line that canon seems to be drawing towards these days is 3 million + clones, with the Essential Guide to Warfare (published 2012) stating that Sifo-Dyas's initial order was for 3 million clones (p75), but suggesting that additional orders were subsequently placed (p97)- however, many battles in the war were fought with neither clones nor battle droids in attendance (p85).

Have provided page references in case somebody with the actual book wishes to double check my references- but from what I have seen, The essential guide to warfare was published with the aim of tying everything back together with as many retcons as they felt were needed- making certain that the official line on many of these issues was no longer ambiguous (even if some people still choose to dispute it).
Yeah but the 3 million we are talking exponentially below what a real galactic conflict should be.

Mind I couldn't find anything on actual numbers for the Terrans. Just that numerical superiority doesn't seem to be quiet assumable as it should be for a "sector" vs galaxy basis.