Quote Originally Posted by blueblade View Post
So... anybody read Fear to Tread yet? NO SPOILERS PLEASE, but what are folks thoughts on it?
It's good. Without spoilers, that's about all I can say about it. Some parts could have been better, sure. But it was good nonetheless. Nothing that we haven't come to expect from James Swallow. One thing that I didn't expect from this book was 'Middle-Book Syndrome' which I haven't really seen in a Black Library book for a while.

Beginning is good. Introduces characters and relationships, sets up the quest for McGuffin, where Point B is from Point A, and who the enemy is. Ending is strong as it should be...But the middle...Just kind of happens and stalls out until the action starts again.

Swallow writes GrimDark. And I mean the good kind. Abnett writes GrimDark where at the end of a scene or chapter you have to put the book down and think "Huh...Well that sucks..." Wheras Swallow writes GrimDark where at the end you keep reading thinking "I hope he gets out of this."

The show-stealer of the book, is of course Captain Amit. And I can't wait for him and Sigismund to bro-fist at Eternity Gate.