Quote Originally Posted by PhantomFox View Post
Okay, so now we have ANOTHER set of trolls for me to keep track of. Someone help me straighten this out in my head. For convenience, I'm just going to use their dominant trait as description, since I'll never be able to keep the names straight.


??->Disciple of Sufferer->Robot (blown up)
??->??->disabled wimp
??->starship pilot->Hacker
Snob->Sufferer->Yells a lot
??->??->Catgirl shipper
Rad Girl->Police->Blind Chessmaster
??->??->Elitist Strong Dom/Sub
??->??->Nihlist Magician
Rebel Princess->Empress->Child Queen

Also, which of these are dead, alive only in a dreambubble, or actually still alive?
You've made a couple of errors. Here's the connection list, and I'm including zodiac sign to help you a bit. ;)

(Beforan Troll) ---> (Alternian Ancestor) ---> (Alternian Troll)
ARIES: ?? ---> The Handmaiden of Lord English ---> Robot / Revived Maid [Alive]
TAURUS: ?? ---> The Summoner ---> Disabled Kid {Currently a ghost}
GEMINI: ?? ---> starship pilot --->Hacker {Currently half-dead}
CANCER: Snob ---> Sufferer ---> Shouty {Totally Alive}
LEO: ?? ---> The Sufferer's Disciple ---> Catgirl shipper {Probably Permadead}
VIRGO: Feminist ---> The Sufferer's Caretaker ---> Vampire {Alive}
LIBRA: Rad Girl ---> Police --->Blind Chessmaster {Alive}
SCORPIO: Miss Talksalot ---> Pirate ---> Thief {Currently a ghost}
SAGITTARIUS ?? ---> Executioner --- Elitist Strong Dom/Sub {Permadead}
CAPRICORN: ?? ---> Grand Highblood ---> Druggie/Psycopath {Chilling on Jane's session}
AQUARIUS: ?? ---> Naval Captain ---> Nihlist Magician {Very Dead}
PISCES: Rebel Princess ---> Empress ---> Child Queen {Totally Dead}

All of the Beforan trolls are dead, but their ghosts seem to be chilling out in dream bubbles. All of the ancestors are dead except for the Empress, and their ghosts seem to have departed. Of the current trolls, four seem to be in the current dreambubble (Karkat, Terezi, Kanaya, and Aradia), one is in the new kids' session (Gamzee), one is MIA (Sollux), two are ghosts hanging out together (Vriska and Tavros), and the other four seem to be permadead.