Quote Originally Posted by Tyndmyr View Post
If you're rationing the food given to your soldiers, you're already in trouble.
I have yet to hear about a modern army that dosn't give it's soldiers "Rations". "Rations" in an army have a different meaning that "rations" for a civilian population (one implies providing food for the troops, the other implies restricting access). If the soldiers are not receiving rations then they are eating from the same bland food supply as the rest of the population, and will want to spice it up with some game bought from the friendly neighborhood poachers. If the soldiers ARE receiving special rations, then they probably STILL want a little something extra.

It dosn't help that Gale and Katniss's hunting is a victimless crime. Nobody owns the animals they are hunting, unless you count the Capitol, which isn't going to use them. It's banned because they want to keep people within the district borders, but Gale and Katniss are not going anywhere. It's exactly the type of victimless crime that gets ignored in countless societies. Their hunting improves local morale and dosn't pose a threat to anybody. Only a strict Peacekeeper who believes in Enforcement for Enforcement's sake would have any motivation to stop them.