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    Dwarf in the Playground

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    New York

    Default Re: D&D 5th Editon Discussion: 6th thread and counting

    Quote Originally Posted by PairO'Dice Lost View Post
    This sort of discussion has come up before, actually. WotC's sales numbers for their 3e books show that mostly-crunch books outsold mostly-fluff books by a large margin, with the exception of main campaign setting books. I'll see if I can find the discussion again (a bunch of forums are blocked at work), but maybe someone else can link them in the meantime.
    Emphasis mine.

    That is what I meant - I think people care about the fluff in the main campaign setting books, and I would include the primary rule books (PHB, DMG and MM) in that category.

    The splat books are definitely more about the crunch, which is what they are all about, and will now be marketed as new "modules" to add on to the basic rules of D&D Next. That is my thought.

    Everyone buys the primary rule books, not everyone buys the splatbooks. Therefore, the primary rule books have to have some flavor / fluff that is recognizably "D&D".
    Last edited by JoeMac307; 2012-09-06 at 02:05 PM.