Quote Originally Posted by Riverdance View Post
*I may not weasel a lightsaber in as a "psionic spirit blade"
**Even if I manage to somehow pull that off, "gnomish mechanical buzz-swords" are right out.
***As are "dwarven speed-mining sticks"
** A "hollow, manually-operated golem" offers no protection from thrown DMGs.

*The DM is rule 0 so I'm to stop whining about how he cut off my cleric from his god.
**Yes even if it got the party killed
***Because maybe it would FORCE ME to ROLEPLAY!
* I am not to point out to the DM that the group's munchkin actually has a good point about three-fourths of the time.
** Conversely, I am not to point out that playing an elf monk is grounds for immediate revoking of one's munchkin license.

* I may not badger another member of the party to make a Wish of practical benefit when the campaign is over and we don't even know if we'll still be playing the same characters.
** If she instead Wishes to revive the DMPC who was killed by the final boss, I may not ruin the dramatic impact by pointing out that we are currently surrounded by mid-level clerics.