*blows dust off*

Tomorrow I have an appointment for an initial consultation at my school's Counseling and Psychological Services. I've always been very antisocial, borderline Asperger's, and borderline depressed, but always convinced myself that it's all fine, or it's all normal and everyone else deals with same so I should just suck it up, or it's all my fault and I need to work harder to overcome it by myself. I don't even talk to other people about my life. I found out about CAPS and decided to make this appointment only within the last two weeks, due to feeling progressively worse and worse about myself and deciding that crying four times in the last five days is not normal behavior nor something I should be putting up with. (If anyone remembers my academic troubles from a few months ago, well, that's part of the stress as well.)

The timing is great. I've been meaning to make this appointment all week and then my bike got stolen Wednesday morning. Otherwise I wouldn't have realized to add "coping strategy: cut both classes and treat myself to a pesto crepe for lunch" to my list of problems. (I'm taking a couple of summer courses; they're both engineering classes, not easy GEs, and both integral to my major.)

Anyways, the website says to be active in thinking about what I want to accomplish during counseling meetings and deciding how to best use the time. That's where I'm stuck. I've never been to a professional counselor* and I barely even know what I want out of it. I mean, I want the guy to take one look at me and give me a perfect diagnosis to explain everything, and then a magical pill to fix everything, but I don't think I can get that. Not even with two looks.

What can I expect from counseling? <- tl;dr
What can I get out of counseling? How long does it take? Are they going to ask me questions or am I supposed to just tell stories about myself until something interesting happens? Anything else I should do to prepare for the appointment?

I'm a bit nervous, to be frank. A bit relieved that something's finally going to happen but a bit nervous all the same.

* The only time I've been to a psychiatrist was two years ago when my mom and I wanted to find out if I really do have Asperger's or not, and he listened to me talk about myself (which completely threw me off, because I was expecting a questionnare or something, so I didn't know what to say) and said I didn't have Asperger's Disorder and that was it. Although he said I might be socially/mentally immature.