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    Dwarf in the Playground
    HeavensAngel's Avatar

    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Default Re: Minecraft Thread X: In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the ... SSSSSSSS

    I doubt that anyone is trying to get onto the server right now, but I did noticed that it was down while I was taking a break after my first class of the day and was waiting before I left to go to my second class. I am not sure if I am even able to fix it, I can't seem to get into MyMcAdmin, so... it seems like I am unable to. Sapo, I havent seen you post on the forum in a while, you didn't die did you?

    I believe that I will STILL be hosting the Survival Pyramid Event TOMORROW, Saturday, September 08 2012. I would be so excited it as many people as possible came that day, and were on possibly during the afternoon around... 2 PM. I will do my best to be on at that time, seeing as how I don't have any classes, and none of you should either. So I will see you then, have a great Friday!

    Your Admin
    Last edited by HeavensAngel; 2012-09-07 at 09:00 AM.
    Note Griefers will be drawn and quartered

    Sincerely your Admin,

    You can't beat Minecraft!

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    Gaming has been a great way to get to know people. That's part of what I love about games, that they are social.