Quote Originally Posted by Deadly View Post
I can see how. I imagine most people would pronounce the slash as either "slash" or "or" or something.
In spoken language it's unpronounced. In written its like splicing sound clips together. The next sentence starts at full breath before the last one draws that Breath in.

Well, the one I read had
Poor Fluffy pony being raped and killed by Twilight.

I think it was the original story that launched the whole meme of Fluffy pony abuse. It was pretty silly, but also very, very wrong. I just shook my head and moved on, but apparently it catched on, because now Derpibooru has several dedicated tags that are all filtered out by default. And they are apparently very popular tags.

I don't mind sexy ponies, and I don't mind ... rough sexy ponies (or is that roughly sexy ponies?), but I'm not a fan of outright abuse.
That's terrible!

I was talking about Fluffies.

This. I find it very unpleasant to contemplate eating another human, it's sort of built in and a good thing, because we don't want people killing each other when they get a little hungry, but I would have to concede that there's nothing actually wrong in any way about eating a dead person in a life or death situation.
1) ignoring the wishes of the deceased just because you're hungry? Why makes you so special? that's like stealing from mom's purse because you know he doesn't want you to, but she's at work and you want that new video game now.
2) permanent, irreversible nerve and brain damage you can only et from eating your own species, or eating a cow that has eaten other cows who have eaten other cows.

Any elaboration on 1 will edge into religion though, so I have to rely on Prion Disease scare tactics.