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    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Default Re: Doctor Who Thread III: Reverse the Polarity of the Neutron Flow

    Davies' run venerated the Doctor as a kind of god, something that really started to emerge with 10's series's. The Doctor was loved and feared, he was always right. Anyone who disagreed with him tended to be wrong, and more often than not, died. There was an Old Testament feeling of him burning the Time Lords and Daleks, and the same feeling whenever he cast some alien menace down. I do feel that Davies's series was a bit too much in love with the Doctor - everything revolved around him.

    Moffat's run has taken a different slant in that the Doctor is more like a fallen god. He's become more like Loki, or something - the mythological Loki that lied and cheated and did stupid things but also was sometimes seen as a heroic figure. It's an interesting development. He's feared and hated rather than just feared. And he knows it, he knows he's going a bit crazy but seems unsure how to be what he once was.

    I guess there's the rub. Moffat's run is interesting, in that it deals with the consequences and developments that would come out of the basics of Davies' run - but it's still based on those awkward basics. Making the best of it, maybe, or trying to. But to some, it probably feels even more uncomfortable - as not only is the Doctor still doing reckless, kinda-crazy stuff, but the veneer of heroism that Nine and Ten wore has been tarnished by the more 'real' approach of Moffat's direction. We can't pretend he's the good guy any more.
    Last edited by SmartAlec; 2012-09-08 at 12:57 PM.