Quote Originally Posted by PurityIcekiller View Post
Raven took a cookie, sniffed it a bit, then munched. Her expression didn't change much. "Not what I expected. You don't look like a busy sort. What do you do? I write, especially poetry."
Sandy munched his own cookie, the freshly baked chocolate bringing a smile to his face. He couldn't see why Raven didn't even flinch when she ate hers. Could it be...she didn't like chocolate chip? No, no, she was eating it, couldn't be that. Was it something he was doing wrong? Was his mane out of place? Did he miss another chocolate stain? Oh goodness, why didn't they bring a mirror?!

Oh, right, the question. Sandy coughed a little to cover up his spacing out. "I work on th' beach down by the lake. Makin' sure it's clean, fixing up th' dunes, making sure the tides don't wash everythin' away, that sort of thing." he explained. "An' I also run a little statue shop for th' sand sculptures I make."