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    Titan in the Playground
    Aotrs Commander's Avatar

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    Jan 2007
    Derby, UK

    Default Re: XCOM: One Does Not Simply "Shoot" a Cryssalid...

    Quote Originally Posted by Archonic Energy View Post
    what? Tech moves on. get over it.

    XP is over 10 years old. and hasn't been readilly available for nearly 5 years.
    if you don't like Vista skip it and jump to 7.
    This, of course, assumes you have the seventy-plus quid to spend on an upgrade, plus the resultant money required to upgrade to your hardware (especially memory), given games have higher minimum requirements when running under Vista/7, plus the huge amount of time and effort required to re-install everything after transferring all the data (and the even more time pratting around to be able to get all the older games you still play working on Vista/7).

    As I have said priorly with Sword of the Stars 2 last year, there is no one game worth that amount of money and hassle. If I had £100-£130 quid to burn on a single game, I'm sure could find better uses for it.

    Especially considering that XCOM doesn't even appear to have the dubious excuse that it's using Dx 10/11 as the former did.

    As and when the hard-drive needs replacement, then I'll look into an upgrade, because I've at that point got to spend the time and money anyway.
    Last edited by Aotrs Commander; 2012-09-09 at 08:10 AM.