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    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Durham, UK

    Default Re: Doctor Who Thread III: Reverse the Polarity of the Neutron Flow

    ...So you prefer a fake story arc over actual progression? There was no story arc in Davies stories, just an occasional clue that was only apparent in hindsight. The finale of each series had no meaningful link to the rest of the episodes.

    I will give you that Moffat has perhaps gone too far the other way, but I'm sure there were episodes where there was no crack (or equivalent arc development). I find it much more interesting having an obvious event which the characters start to react to and deal with, rather than waiting for everything to blow up in the final episode.

    Basically, Davies (IMO) did not have story arcs. He had foreshadowing, and quite limited foreshadowing at that. What we have now are actual story arcs, where the plot develops every few episodes to build to the finale (which do, unfortunately, tend to fall apart just as much as Davies ones...).
    Last edited by Avaris; 2012-09-09 at 04:40 PM.
    Evil round every corner, careful not to step in any.