Sariah Le Suna Draco
(Serenity under the sunlight dragon)

[Stats and Description]
Name: Sariah Le Suna Draco, most call her Sariah.
Race: Human, draconic ancestry
Class: cleric(bahamutte)10/vassage of bahamutte10
Alignment and Temperament: Lawful good. Extremely patient, kind and quick witted. Sariah makes friends quickly, and enjoys the company of others, but she is a real stickler when it comes to rules.
Age: 28
Height: 5 feet, 5 inches
Weight: 123 lbs
Hair colour and length: Blond, down to the middle of her back, usually worn down.
Eye colour: Emerald green
Weapons: Double sided Holy dragons bane broadsword.
Clothes: usually clad in white priests robes, but when battle time comes, the armor in above picture comes out.

[Back story]
Have been involved only in Temple of bahamutte until recently. She was orphaned when she was a small girl, as her entire people were destroyed. She was left on the door steps of a temple of Bahamutte, and raised as a priestess. She recently found out that she had a brother, another who survived the attempted Xenicide of her people, and made contact with him.
More recently, she has found out that Mortia, who she believed to be her brother, is actually her father.

[Common Knowledge]
Sariah is Mortia's daughter
Sariah is the head priestess at the temple of Bahamutte.
Sariah is known for being able to talk with Bahamutte with great ease.
Sariah spells words much better than her father... ;D

Currently Sariah has something trapped inside her, weather it be demon, or just MPS, no one yet know.
She often talks about herself in the third person...

[Ongoing Storyline]
She is currently involved in the Dark Mortia saga, as he is starting to call it.
She is interested is being in others, as people are willing to have her.