
Stats and Description

Name: Drobo
Race: Draconic Halfling
Class: High level Rogue, Shadowdancer, Hoardstealer, Epic Infiltrator, Perfect Wight and Agent Retriever
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Age:Drobo is 134 years old though he looks and runs like a 32 year old as he stopped his agig proces (by accident) at 32
Height: 2'8"
Weight: 30lb
Physical Appearance: Drobo's physical appearance, even race and gender, change quite often but this is his 'true' appearance:-
Drobo is very short, even for a halfling. He has slanted, copper eyes which always seem to be open. His fingers are long and slighlty scaled towards the tips which end in claws. His face is pointed with accented cheek bones and a scattering of copper scales. He is lithe and quite strong. He moves as very gracefully, he is a very accomplished dancer, and his reflexes are almost Jedi-like.
Appearance: Drobo, when he appears as himself, is almost always dressed in expensive looking tunics and leggings of various shades of black, dark green and deep blue. He wears fingerless black gloves, a long dark green cloak that seems to change hues slighlty as he moves, Black boots and a hat, black obviously. Strapped around his body are two black bandoliers from which several dagger hilts poke. Finally at his waist is an innocous black bag that functions as a handy haversack.
What you can't see are the daggers strapped to his wrists and inside both boots. The final piece of equipment is a small pouch strapped to his waist, under the clothes, which usually seems to blend into the skin. ll his equipment and money are in either the handy haversack pouch or in portable holes carried in the small pouch. The single most odd thing about theis stylish get up is that, although most of the gear is quite clearly magical, it gives off no aura. If someone were to take more notice they'd realise that he cannot be detected in anyway save by sight, and hearing if he chooses.
More often than not Drobo appears to be wearing very expensive multi-coloured clothes. This is misleading as, in the blink of an eye, he can change tham completly.
When he fights he uses daggers in both hands which he throws or uses in melee. His incredible reactions allow him to dodge attacks from larger, slower people and he often hides himself in shadows, tumbles, disappears and generally puts of his opponent until he can sneak attack them.
Weapons Drobo has 28 daggers of varying powers and types. He seems to be able to make them appear in his hand and can juggle with all of them.

Telling the whole history of Drobo's long and hectic life would take the space of several novels so here are the outlines:-
Drobo was born to parents who were both sorcerers in a travelling show on a world with little remarkable about it. Drobo grew up juggling, dancing and generally everything that trains someone for the life of a petty thief. Which is what he became and, until the age of 32, he dreamed he would die of. He was, by this time, a respected member of the thieve's guild of the largest city on his homeworld with dreams of becoming the next guild leader. What changed his life however was the backlash of a magic trap which he didn't quite disable. The spell miscast and fired him into a limbo between the planes eventually he landed in the plane of shadow with a damaged mind and little memory of his former life. Here he learnt to conceal himself in shadows. He found that he could, quite literally, dance into the shadows. Eventually his sanity and memory returned although he can be quite unstable. He determined to go back to the real world which he eventually managed.
Back on the material plane his career really kicked off. He became more than just a petty thief. He stole hoards from dragons, magic items from epic wizards and even an artifact from a God. In short he became one of the greatest thieves in his universe. Due to his time trapped in limbo he seemed never to age and for another 100 years he plagued the universe. He became known as a procurer of any item.
Eventually the Gods became angry and even he couldn't hide from their combined wrath. He was almost caught but in the struggle managed to escape down a route which nobody expected. He moved universe and found himself battered on the road to the Town. He's come to have some fun...

Common Knowledge
Very little as he is completly unknown, even to the gods, in this universe. Talking to him for a while you get the sense that he isn't completly sane. He seems to know a lot about human nature but often finds the most obvious things or manners very strange. He also speaks any language that he ever hears or heard perfectly. He seems more than confident with his weapons.

Drobo is from an Epic level campaign i played a while ago. He died in the campaign and his soul was destryed-i've changed that here. I am copying his stats to Sylnae but very slowly.

New guy in town, just drinking at the moment. ;D