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    Ogre in the Playground

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    May 2005

    Default Re: [FwM] Bridle Shores 90210-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XIII

    Quote Originally Posted by MCerberus View Post
    Staccata, alright she's a little annoyed at this, so she advances on the pair of ponies that aren't in the 'shake down the vampony for info' crowd. "Do you know how much I care about not hurting somepony that leads us to a trap? You're going to talk, or your little pony shield gets knocked out and we'll make you."
    "I'd advise you to not doing that." warned the ninja.

    Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post

    "I...didn't mean to lead you into a trap..I was just wanted to send you on a wild goose hunt!"
    She yelled trying to sound braver than she was right now. Come on body...hurry and heal up...then ya can mop the floor with these chumps....or actually, just run away, cough. "I didn't even know there was a crazy pony with a thing for tentacles there!

    Gearstride frowned, her own words being neglected in favor of the attention hogging evil vampony who just needed a stake through the chest now.

    "Well, I think you have something there, ma'am,"
    Zephyr told her trying to cheer her up.

    "And sometimes it is just right under our noses,"
    Miss M sighed and then suddenly in four seconds appeared behind Meadow who 'waahed' in surprise. Miss M then bucked the other vampony in the back, sending her sliding to Staccata and Sandy, away past from the ninja guard.
    Being the only ninja in the area, the ninja summoned all the ninjutsu in the area. She opened one of her pockets and suited up in the Meadow costume.

    She sew it together when Meadow and her master had relations. The image of her lord fooling around with another mare. The thoughts sped her hooves on that sewing machine. Such jealousy.

    Now dressed as Meadow she shifted her aside in a dart of her fast wings. With their places switched, the ninja shoved hher extra ninja uniform on Meadow.


    Unfortunately, now there are two ninja and ninjutsu is not conserved. The true ninja's strength and speed dropped dramatically and she takes Miss M's hit hard. She is out cold.
    Last edited by Orzel; 2012-09-11 at 05:00 AM.
    Gitp's No. 1 Cake hater
    On Vacation until Aug 7th.
    Spell currently researching: Explosive Pie.
    Weapon currently crafting: +1 cakebane kris