
The Deepspawn heard the music of doubt, and looked for the answer.

There they saw an abomination like themselves. They laughed with glee, beginning an orgy of sacrifice of those who worshiped the false god Aquaeris. Those died and reincarnated as their darker forms in the eastern sea.

The Deepspawn laughed.

Theocracy of Coralia

Most Kalpans just ignored the music. It was silly: their god had founded their civilization. Who could doubt?

But a few did. They met, discussing with the public the nonexistence of the gods.

Bad idea.

In a few days, they were hunted down and fed slowly to the sharks as an example to any future heretic.

Goblin Lands
The goblin of the Emirates laughed crudely at the music. Their god had physically helped their ancestors and saved them by creating a river; they doubted him not.

The Halls of the Deep

In the Garden of the Dead Gods, Aquaeris jumped back farther than he ever had before, then swore a horrible oath.

Isanloff's tree was changing, and not in a good way. It was losing its vitality, casting down boughs. And when he looked into the branch, he saw naught but emptiness that hungered.

His form passed through a portal that opened in the air into the twisting ways of the sea.

The Halls of Death

Aquaeris strode into the hall, his eyes flickering wildly, his form churning itself, glowing with a nimbus like lightning.

"I apologise to thee, my lord Kipt and lord Belsheroth, but I believe thee art the expert on death here, and I am stumped."

His voice sounded very different, in a way that only one mortal and two gods had heard before. He cast down the broken branch of Isanloff's tree.

"What is the meaning of this? The tree that represented Isanloff's death is dying. I see something empty that hungers when I look into it."

Create Greater Concept: The Way of the Gods
Mortals that learn god-glyphs, symbols that capture the essence of gods, can use them to cast spells reminiscent of those gods.

Gain Domain: Magic (Change)

AP: 7-4-3=0 AP.