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    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Land of Stone and Stars

    Default Re: Doctor Who Thread III: Reverse the Polarity of the Neutron Flow

    Quote Originally Posted by dehro View Post
    he's officially dead..why would a trader have him on his database? it'd be like having a pricetag on Elvis on the assumption that he might have been abducted by aliens after all..except we know that Elvis died on the crapper and everybody who is anyone in Whoniverse "knows" that the Doctor died at the hands of River Song
    Doriam Muldevar is one of the few people in on the joke, and has promised to help the Doctor keep his secret. He's also apparently an accomplished hacker and is armed with a media chip in his head, excellent wi-fi in his crypt, and nothing but time.

    As for the slaver's database, the Doctor is a time traveler. He's been to the end of the universe (well, close enough), he's attempted to kill a caveman... and he's spent an awful lot of time (~200 years) running from Lake Silencio. The Doctor is known throughout the time and space, and feared by much of it. That's kind of the point of a Good Man Goes to War and the Pandorica Opens. "Status: Dead" wouldn't keep him off the database.
    Last edited by Calemyr; 2012-09-11 at 11:52 AM.
    Spoiler: My inventory:

    1 Sentient Sword
    1 Jammy Dodger (I was promised tea)
    1 Godwin Point.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kairos Theodosian
    It appears someone will have to saddle my goat, for we now must ride out in glorious battle.