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Thread: [FWM] OOC 3: Eccentric Cheerilee

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    Ettin in the Playground
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Default Re: [FWM] OOC 3: Eccentric Cheerilee

    Quote Originally Posted by Luka View Post
    Ehh, they're supposed to be the next day anyways , thinking about making them happen at the Southern gate if no one has a problem (including Grif since it's Luka and Snowflake's shenanigan spot too ) and adding a Mauve shirt, like, a new green guard or something, her fate could depend on participant's actions. So who wants to participate in it?

    ....Ugh, Sorry I forgot about the two asleep in the clinic (Idle Chat and Flameshield), if you want, they can wake up, possibly like if they were in a pretty long dream nightmare if you want, and the barrel stabs would be abnormaly easy to heal, not even leaving scarring or something, like nothing happened
    As always, I'll add the caveat that my mere presence will slow down the thread, since I may not be available. That said, I'll be happy to start reintroducing some of my neglected characters. (Snowflake, Tyrol, Lemongrass et al)
    Last edited by Grif; 2012-09-12 at 07:25 AM.