Quote Originally Posted by Coidzor View Post
I was friends with one woman who identified as a lesbian despite maintaining a relationship with a man and sleeping only with men because there were no bisexuals or lesbians for even casual sex. In a college town noted for its disproportionately large LGBT population.

Then I met another woman who also identified solely as a lesbian despite being sexually attracted to men and romantically attracted to them as well because she wanted to send a message of unavailability to men despite her sexual history and sexual preferences being things that were, quite regrettably, no longer private.

What I'm saying is that there's some possibility that, no, she was not just bad at talking and was actually pan, whatever that actually really means.
Well, she was dating a girl the entire first eight months or so I knew her. I say "she was probably pan" because that's the closest to what I remember her describing later when I asked why she was dating a guy if she were a self-identified lesbian. I think at the time she had a history of about 50/50 girls/guys, which just confused me more when she said she wasn't bi.

Quote Originally Posted by KenderWizard View Post
Yeah, the whole LGBT+ spectrum has a corresponding spectrum of weird invisibility problems. I think gay men are the most visible and then different people end up having different shades of invisibility. Bisexuals get denial, asexuals get something more like incredulity, and, say, genderqueer people get ignorance.

Could have to do with the colour schemes too. Rainbows are flashy and flamboyant. Nobody will notice black and grey when there are rainbows flying around.