[stats and description]

Name: Xevic
Race: Kobold
Class: Expert 4 (focusing on knowledge skills, hes a bookworm)
Aligment and temperament: Lawful Neutral, with true neutral tendencies, laid back, doesnt get aroused to fight much, likes to talk but knows books are good freinds too, would rather go with the flow then fight for his own ideas
Age: 28
Height: 4' 1''
Wheight: 97 Lbs.
Hair Color and length: ... hes a kobold. Has deep red orange scales and a lengthy 2 foot tail, but his scales are generally not kept in impeccaple condition and so are dulled.
Eye color: deep green and glossy
Weapons: doesnt fight much, when he does he uses darts.

Xevic is a run down little reptilian with peeling scales and torn clothing, after his immagration to the town. He swears hell clean up himself, but never gets around to it. If he did he could be quite a good looking kobold.

Xevic was born to 2 reformed kobold parents who had broken away from their tribe. His father had shockingly managed to overcome the stigma of being a kobold in a human world and beecome a teacher for less prejudiced humans. His son Xevic is named for the cleric who cast atonement on Xevic's mother and father whereas the clan name was dropped due to a hate for their brutal and evil ways. He has taught his son to love books and the message stuck. Xevic never goes anywhere without a book. His parent's preachings about good never took, but he isnt evil either.

When Xevic came of age to leave the house (15) he went off to the nearest city where he thought he could buy a book or two. He experienced rampant racial stigma there working for uncommonly low wages in the worst of jobs. He still managed to buy himself a few new books though. However he managed to spark the ire of a noble as he shopped, and was chased out of town. Not wanting to go home, he immagrated to The Town. Here he hopes for nothing more then to lead a simple, comfortble life with his reading and occasional game of darts.

[common knowledge]
Most people can quickly tell from the book he is carrying that he likes to read. Other then that not much is really known about him since he is a new comer.

Xevic is currently reading A Laymans Guide to Herbs, Plants, and Fungi hes about half way through.

[Ongoing storyline]
none yet