Quote Originally Posted by AnimeKid View Post
Ryuji runs his fingers through his hair as he laughs in a slightly embarrassed manner. "Well my mom is a seamstress and owns her own shop. So sometimes when she needs my help I work there. As for hobby's I love playing the saxophone and violin. I'm a dab hand at cooking as well. I also play a few sports but only for fun and not competitively."

Drinking more of his soda Ryuji is almost done with his hamburger. He internally debates on whether he should get another one or not. He decides not to as his mother was making dinner today instead of going out. Today was their Mother-Son Movie Night.
"Sounds.... fun in its own normal way. Well, Ryuji-san I won't keep ya for too long." From his back-pack he takes out what appears to be customized cloth gloves and boots. Also a belt with gun-holsters that have simple non-lethal pellet guns on them. "Do you want anything else? I'm about to pay the tab, cause have some urban exploration to do." Jack finished his meal.