Quote Originally Posted by Hullabaloo View Post
If you have not noticed yet, ANet looks at what other MMOs did, and changed it. For the better.

That being said in WoW people complained about BBE fatigue. Oh this guy is going to end the world. Oh you beat him. This Lich is gonig to kill the world. Oh you cleaned that up. This Darkwing is going to kill the world. Oh you managed that too? Alot of people were happy that MoP was more a "look at new area to explore and enjoy"

Likewise there were alot of issues when DDO announced its expansion. You are going to her (a goddess's) realm, and going to kill her? Right. Not going to happen. Hence their escort raid, which is widely considered a failure.

Realistically though, you character is 2 weeks old. And you thought you could kill something big and strong? No thanks. You are a minor player in this world (see WvWvW). Maybe in the future, when you have shown your power and refined your skills you will be worthy to fight something on your own. Until then, training wheels.
first of all, while maybe on some backwards server, some moron though that the lich king and deathwings things were bad, the majority of people are sane and enjoy fun and having the heroes be heroes in a plot.
second, who the h*** cares how long your character is a hero, have you never even read a story. or played an rpg before?, most start with the hero suddenly becoming one, and then over comign some world threatening evil.