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    Ettin in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Default Re: [Rail IC] Academy City III: Abusive Physics Never End!

    Katashi had had enough of this stiff-necked bureaucrat's voice. Didn't the man (Yoli? Yani?) know to whom he was speaking? Had he not been watching when Katashi had done that awesome trick with the pen? Just in case, he made the new pen meet the same fate as its predecessor. Then he stood up.

    "Okay, I'm done here. My nice guy time is all used up for today. I tried to cut you some slack, since you seemed a little slow on the uptake. But now I know that you're waaaaay beyond 'slow'. Seriously man, how did a moron like you manage to get charge of a group? It's like you can't even hear me!

    Let's try this one more time: You work; I play. You fix; I break. You talk; I leave. Got it? Still clueless? Either way, I'm outta here.

    Having concluded the interview to his own satisfaction, he proceeded to smash a hole in the ceiling and launch himself towards it. Thanks to this, it wasn't clear whether he'd seen through the 'underground room' deception or not. Either way, he'd probably have tried the same thing.
    Last edited by Anyr; 2012-09-15 at 09:57 PM.