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    Pixie in the Playground

    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Default Re: Lords of Creation: Boundless Wonder, Endless Strife. [IC] [Part II]


    Setebos stood quietly near the wall, lost in dark exploration as he fantasied about the murderous war that would eventually spring about by this newly formed alliance. It was only when Savorla spoke her words to Morgash did his attention spring back fully into the conversation. He ignored Vargull and Morgash's dialogue, and spoke directly to Savorla.

    "Think your words carefully, for I am dog to no lord. But if you were to label me and my comrades as such I assure you I for one can fully feign the ferocity of a mongrel's hunger, and if your intentions should prove contrary to the will of this circle, I will hunt you down as one."

    He eyes became beaded and he gave a quick glance to the other gods before returning to Savorla. "War is comprised of allies and enemies, and nothing more. There will be two sides to this; there will be no middle ground. I would decide carefully which side I qualified more for if I thought one was about to began."

    Then as abruptly as he interjected he stopped, and turned to Morgash. "Father, I am sure you are capable here on your own to
    conclude any matters, time is short and there is much preparation I need to take. I will return before you to your realm shortly. I extend my apologies for such a sudden departure."
    He then gave a small courtly bow toward him. He does so briefly to each of the other attendees present, even Savorla. "To those who join us, I extend my greetings, my power," he takes a step back, "and a farewell."

    With a monstrous rumble the ground beneath Setebos gives way, and a throng of decaying arms shoot up from a newly formed portal on the ground. The portal resembles a crumbling well, and each arm crawls out of its mouth over one another like many crabs scuttling to reach freedom at the top of a barrel. From the depths of the well numerous maddened voices could be heard whispering requests, pleas for vengeance and retribution. The countless hands crawl their way up Setebos' body, and as he cackles uncontrollably at the spectral, they drag him down into the darkness of the well and the portal closes.
    Last edited by A.P.Carry; 2012-09-16 at 07:27 AM.