
"I know and thank you, both of you." Suddenly, she felt a surge of power, "Aqaerius??" She whispered as the power entered into her. A golden mist bled from her being. It was a truly magnificent power.

"Has he decided not to come?" She asked, concerned.

The War in the North

Storm, remember?

As the arrows are loosed. The wind blew. Nettal smiled upon seeing the vain efforts of these Cerunians.

The wind of Nettal's storm batted away most of the arrows. Some still found their marks sending knights to their bloody deaths. Then to the horror of the same archers that struck them down, some of the knights got up again laughing as they pulled the shafts from their bodies, only to rejoin the charge.

Eventually, walking nightmares and normal knights ramed into the Cerunian lines.

The Smallfolk Province

Kuruk suddenly feels like he's in the main market place of his home. Still, he isn't overwhelmed like the others, he's pretty used to this. He pulls out a string of pearls.

"Where I'm from we farm these for currency. If you don't want them yourselves they are very valuable to your neightbors."

He shrugs, "Other than that we have more rice and stone then we know what to do with. What we could really use is corn, livestock, and some iron if you have any."