Quote Originally Posted by Emperordaniel View Post
No. No, I really do not want Tarquin to get absolutely bashed in, because that's exactly what he is expecting. I mean, he actually said that that was in his plan - sooner or later, some random peasant schmuck was going to burst into his room and do him in, but that's alright with him; he already "got to live like a god for three decades", in his own words.

No matter what happens to The General - including a slow, painful death in obscurity - he still wins. He already has.
...Okay, then the priority shifts from "stop Tarquin from achieving his definition of victory or, what amounts to the same thing, from spinning whatever outcome comes up into something he can accept as a victory" to "stop Tarquin from harming as many people as possible as quickly as the current mission's pressures allow." There's wanting to see a villain get hoisted by his own petard, and then there's just wanting the villainy to stop because darn it, fictional people are suffering on their account. Unless you're suggesting that Tarquin should just be left to die of old age (or gain eleven levels in Wizard and make the transition to Lichdom), which would not only leave a plot thread hanging, it would give him an outcome he can spin into a victory and would do nothing to arrest the ongoing harms he's perpetrating on the people of the Western Continent.