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Thread: MS Paint Adventures 6:12

  1. - Top - End - #813
    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Default Re: MS Paint Adventures 6:12

    At the very least, I suspect Beforus's culture would have kept her from doing anything like Vriska did pre-entry. Also, when being dead seems to have mellowed everyone except Vriska and Meenah out a bit, so people are probably going to be less hostile to her than they might have been during the session.

    And, to be fair, it's quite possible Aranea was something of a moderating influence to her, and that's something the Condense (I can never spell it right) didn't have, to my knowledge.
    Last edited by Squark; 2012-09-18 at 01:59 PM.