So my thief is around level 78 now and I'm not sure if I want to stick with my P/D build for level 80. Also I realized that the executioner trait doesn't seem to work with condition damage which really means I need to change that trait line.

Currently have 10 points in the first line (so my steal poisons and deals damage). I'm also almost complete the Shadow line so I gain 2 initiative when I stealth, blind people around me and gain regen. Finally I have the full 30 points in the precision line but it really seems pointless since I'm mainly power/condition damage/vitality geared and I mainly use bleeds. I suspect I should probably ditch the whole Precision Line and go into the bottom trait line for condition damage and more initiative.

Also I just started a guardian. I like the greatsword, but does anyone have any suggestions on my secondary weapon set? And what traits to build towards (only level 11 now though).