Quote Originally Posted by sonofzeal View Post
New personal milestone: instant triple kill, as Morgana.


Also, how viable would a team of all support-tagged characters be? Say... Morgana, Teemo, Kayle, Taric, Lux?
I don't know about that team so much, but an "all-support" team would be easily viable. I think you want Kayle as AD carry, and out of that group it'd be hard to have a decent jungler. You're probably looking at Taric or Morgana there.

Here's decent lane roles for such a team:
Top - Teemo, Nidalee, Shen, Kayle (Karma? Lulu?)
Mid - Karma, Soraka, Lux, Morgana, Galio, Zilean, Lulu
Carry - Kayle (loosely Nidalee or Teemo)
Jungle - Shen, maybe Kayle, though you'd rather have her elsewhere; I also think Karma can jungle
Support - This one's just too easy

Some combination of those ought to work easily enough. Most supports are secondarily mages, so mid lane has a lot of options (probably anyone except Taric or Shen, honestly). The weakest role is AD carry, but Kayle can do that.