Quote Originally Posted by AgentPaper View Post
You mean the scene in the elevator with Gamzee hip-thrusting over him?
No, the Scene where Feferi is on her hands and knees stretching and Eridan is going crazy over her rear-end

Quote Originally Posted by Scowling Dragon View Post
So casual murder and disregard of life is a minor flaw (And genocidal tendencies are merely Mehed?)? And Utopian?
For Trolls? To put it quite simply... yes.

So whats the difference between A1 and A2? That A2 has class struggle?
They both had a class struggle, in A1 it's the highbloods serving the lowbloods, in A2 it's the other way around. That, and Feferi/Meenah being in charge respectively, and A2 having the existace of Gl'Glob and an extra moon seems to be about it.

If so, then we are wasting our time on the trolls. They are too unrelate-able. Too alien.

You don't care if in some comic some rich doofus drops crashes his car and then goes "meh" and buys a new one. You care if some poor doofus crashes his fathers car and feels bad about it and goes on a wacky adventure to fix it.

Same thing with aliens. If the aliens don't care about murder and genocide, then I can't relate. I just end up going: WHAAAAAT? Its entertaining for a while, but soon gets boring because I don't care what happens to them because they don't care.
Well for me anyways i find the whole murder and genocide thing interesting, it shows differences in their species from our own, how they go to higher extremes to allow of their species to survive, and find things we would normally find repulsive perfectly okay. It's just a case of different strokes for different folks i think.