Quote Originally Posted by Morbis Meh View Post
For me it's a tie between Tactics and IX: Both had solid characters that were not emo's (I am looking at you VII and VIII) with solid music, rich plots and good gameplay. If anyone wants a laugh I suggest watching Awesome Fantasy VII... though it may annoy some fanboys of VII lol
I think the term 'emo' has been thrown around so much that people have exaggerated caricatures of what it actually means.

Taking the typical definition of emo as "particularly emotional, sensitive, shy, introverted, or angst-ridden", Cloud can be argued to be angst ridden if you count suffering from borderline PTSD to be angsty, and Squall only really hits the introverted mark - he's definitely not emotional or sensitive as he's shut himself down to stop being hurt any more.

Hell, if you're labelling Cloud and Squall as emo because they hit one of the five descriptors, then Asura from Asura's Wrath could be argued to be emo with the angst over his dead wife and kidnapped daughter driving him.

Back to the original topic, my favourite FF games were Tactics, X and if it counts, Vagrant Story.